Laser technology has revolutionized many areas of the medical and cosmetic world. Now, a simple laser-based treatment can help you to achieve the beautiful skin you’ve always wanted.

Who doesn’t want to look in the mirror and see flawless skin? That can be your reality with laser resurfacing. 

Keep reading to learn what to expect before, during, and after laser resurfacing!

What Is Laser Resurfacing?

Our Secret™ PRO fractional laser treatment uses a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser to rejuvenate your skin. Your skin contains three layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis. 

The epidermis is the outermost layer, lying right over the top of the dermis. Laser resurfacing targets these two layers. 

A CO2 laser is what is known as an ablative laser. This means it removes damaged, wrinkled, or otherwise affected skin. 

In essence, it accomplishes this by evaporating the water in the skin. The laser is then used to warm the dermis layer. 

The act of heating up the dermis triggers increased collagen production, a building block of skin. Collagen gives skin its strength, allowing it to stretch and bounce back into place.

This two-step process eliminates undesirable areas to unveil the smoother, more youthful-looking skin beneath. At Revive MedSpa, we use a fractional laser.

Instead of treating more significant swathes of skin, not all of which may need to be treated, this type of laser only treats precise areas of skin with narrow beams of light. As a result, injuries to the skin are minimized, reducing downtime and potential side effects. 

Do You Need to Prepare for Laser Resurfacing? 

As it’s a relatively straightforward procedure, not much preparation is needed for laser resurfacing. Your doctor may ask you to refrain from spending extended periods of time in the sun in the weeks leading up to your appointment. 

It’s also a good idea to stop smoking since smoking can affect your body’s ability to heal. If you’re interested in laser resurfacing, the first step is to have a consultation at Revive MedSpa.

Your doctor will examine the state of your skin and talk to you about your goals to determine if this treatment is a good fit for you. 

What Happens During Laser Resurfacing?

First, a cream will be applied to the skin so that you remain comfortable during the procedure. As you lay back, the doctor will then apply the laser to the targeted areas of the skin.

This creates tiny punctures that prompt cell turnover, with new cells translating to younger-looking skin. Many patients describe this mild sensation as similar to a rubber band being snapped against their skin. 

You can expect a laser resurfacing treatment to take about a half hour or less. It can take as little as fifteen minutes, depending on how much of the skin is being treated. 

Many patients choose to combine our Secret™ PRO fractional laser treatment with radio frequency microneedling. Microneedling applies tiny needles to given areas to heat deeper layers of the skin and promote collagen production. 

Together, these two treatments can make a big difference in your appearance for even more significant results than with one treatment alone.  

What Is It Like After Laser Resurfacing?

Once the procedure is complete, your doctor may place a bandage over the areas that were treated. Your skin will be sensitive. 

You may look and feel as if you have a sunburn. An itching and stinging sensation is also normal. 

Some swelling can occur in the following days. In the next week, the treated areas will begin to scab over.

You should avoid applying cosmetics to your face or using harsh products during this time. Your eye doctor will discuss how to take care of your skin as it heals. 

An over-the-counter pain reliever and a cool compress can help alleviate discomfort. After the skin finishes the process of shedding old cells, you will notice a significant improvement in your skin compared to before your treatment. 

Thanks to the fractional laser used, which only treats specific areas of skin, downtime is not as long as it is with other treatments. You can look forward to continuous improvements over the next three to six months as your skin fully heals. 

What Are the Results From Laser Resurfacing?

The results from laser resurfacing can be stunning. This treatment can address many different types of imperfections, including:

  • Fine wrinkles
  • Sun damage
  • Uneven skin texture or tone
  • Stretch marks
  • Scars (including acne scars)
  • Crepey skin

With laser resurfacing, you can enjoy a dramatically rejuvenated appearance. Most patients can achieve the results they are hoping for with just a single treatment, no additional sessions are needed. 

Laser resurfacing is not limited to the face. Its benefits extend to various areas of the body, such as the neck, chest, and hands. 

Your journey to flawless skin starts here. Schedule a laser resurfacing consultation at Revive MedSpa in Scranton or Wilkes-Barre, PA, today!